BS:5837 Tree In Planning


Tree Constraints Surveys and Reports

A tree constraints survey and report is the basis of assessing trees in relation to a proposed development. These surveys quantify, qualitate and assess the trees on your site in order to plot the proposed layout against and begin to think about the constraints of the development.

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Arboricultural Impact Assessment

An arboricultural impact assessment looks at the affect a proposed development will have on the trees on site, how many and which will be lost and looks at mitigation which may be needed.


Arboricultural Method Statement

An arboricultural method statement advises and sets the parameters for how a development will work with trees in the landscape and sets out protections and methods needed to avoid damaging them.

VTS also offer some supplementary services such as pre purchase surveys to determine potential arboricultural of ecological issues with land before you purchase it. We also offer an invaluable invasive species survey identifying plants such as Japanese knotweed and himalayan balsam. Aboricultural supervision is also a service we provide and can be picked up at any point in the development If you are interested in these or any other services please get in touch.